Pleasure in the Details
Posted by Black Mountain Birdie | Posted in Get Outside | Posted on Friday, June 04, 2010
… “so I take pleasure in the details…the sky ten minutes before it starts to rain, the moment where your laughter becomes a cackle...” Reality Bites 
Swannanoa Shindigs- Held at 6 p.m. TONIGHT and on the First Friday of each month through October in Swannanoa's historic Beacon Mill Village, behind the Main Fire House on Railroad St.
-Includes traditional mountain music and dancing, Joe Hallock and the Flat Creek Boys with Laurie Fisher as caller, leather crafts, beads, watermelon seed spitting contest, horseshoes, cake walks, BINGO , Ice Cream floats, pizza, hot dogs, face painting, jump rope tricks.......
Montreat has their first Barn Dance -
Friday Night at the Barn
Join us on Friday nights from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm during the summer months, as we celebrate the tradition of “Friday Night at the Barn” with the music of the Stoney Creek Boys and calls by Glenn Bannerman. There’s plenty of Big Circle Mountain Dancing and novelty dances, too.
All are welcome, admission is free. No experience required! Come shuffle your feet and make the Barn Dance one of your favorite family traditions.
Don't forge the Tailgate Market in Black Mountain 9-12 Saturday morning...try a yummy homemade bagel there and some Dynamite Coffee!!!!
June 5-6 - Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show
- Juried arts and crafts festival in downtown Black Mountain. Vendor fee - no attendance fee.
Presented by The Old Depot Association
For most of us life is busy. It is hard to find time to fit it all in…work, family, fun, community commitments, etc…and when you do make time for something, I find that I still struggle to live in that moment…be truly present…soak it all in. I believe this is in part due to an over stimulus that overwhelms our senses and numbs our intake valve (ok…I know this sounds more like a car now but somehow it fits). Isn’t it often the simple things that we remember most? The simple pleasures…like a rope swing on a huge old Weeping Cherry tree or a few moments on a street bench listening to life happen around you.
Well, this Swannanoa Valley holds many opportunities to enjoy simple pleasures. This weekend I think all of us should take some moments (5 minutes is even better than nothing) to be still, calm our racing minds filled with “to do” lists and “to worry about” lists, and feel the breeze, listen to the sounds, smell the smells, eat our food slowly…enjoying every bite, and laugh a little. I have some great simple places this weekend that you can do this…and don't forget to stop and take pleasure in the details!
Swannanoa Shindigs- Held at 6 p.m. TONIGHT and on the First Friday of each month through October in Swannanoa's historic Beacon Mill Village, behind the Main Fire House on Railroad St.
-Includes traditional mountain music and dancing, Joe Hallock and the Flat Creek Boys with Laurie Fisher as caller, leather crafts, beads, watermelon seed spitting contest, horseshoes, cake walks, BINGO , Ice Cream floats, pizza, hot dogs, face painting, jump rope tricks.......
Montreat has their first Barn Dance -
Friday Night at the Barn
Join us on Friday nights from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm during the summer months, as we celebrate the tradition of “Friday Night at the Barn” with the music of the Stoney Creek Boys and calls by Glenn Bannerman. There’s plenty of Big Circle Mountain Dancing and novelty dances, too.
All are welcome, admission is free. No experience required! Come shuffle your feet and make the Barn Dance one of your favorite family traditions.
Don't forge the Tailgate Market in Black Mountain 9-12 Saturday morning...try a yummy homemade bagel there and some Dynamite Coffee!!!!
June 5-6 - Black Mountain Arts and Crafts Show
- Juried arts and crafts festival in downtown Black Mountain. Vendor fee - no attendance fee.
Presented by The Old Depot Association
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